Energy is at the heart of development. Energy makes possible the investments, innovations, and new industries that are the engines of jobs, inclusive growth, and shared prosperity for entire economies.

Help to Financing the Energy Transition

Energy consumption accounts for more than three-quarters of greenhouse gas emissions. Financing the massive deployment

Supporting a Just Transition Away from Coal

Transitioning the highest emitting industries away from fossil fuels, particularly coal—is crucial to ensuring a clean energy future.

Impactful Marketplace Platform

Ag-Arc Vertex is a dedicated marketplace platform for sustainable energy products to mitigate unfeasible price jumps and save farmer capital along with climate care.

Renewable energy can help countries mitigate climate change, build resilience to volatile prices, and lower energy costs—this is especially critical now as spiking fossil fuel costs are debilitating poor energy-importing countries.

Solar and wind technologies can become a game changer for many developing countries as solar and wind are abundant, cost-competitive, and a source of reliable power when combined with battery storage. Hydropower also provides clean, renewable energy that is one of the lowest-cost sources of electricity for consumers.

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